baby development

Monday, October 30, 2006

NST #1

Went to the birthing center for my first non-stress test:

What is a nonstress test?This simple, painless procedure is done during pregnancy to evaluate your baby's condition. During the test, your healthcare practitioner or a technician monitors your baby's heartbeat, first while the baby is resting and then while he's moving. Just as your heart beats faster when you're active, your baby's heart rate should go up while he's moving or kicking.The test is typically done if you've gone past your due date, or in the month leading up to your due date if you're having a high-risk pregnancy. Here are some reasons you might have a nonstress test:
• You have
diabetes that's treated with insulin, high blood pressure, or some other medical condition that could affect your pregnancy.
• You have
gestational hypertension.
• Your baby appears to be small or
not growing properly.
• Your baby is less active than normal.
• You have
too much or too little amniotic fluid.
• You've had a procedure such as an
external cephalic version (to turn a breech baby) or third trimester amniocentesis (to determine whether your baby's lungs are mature enough for birth or to rule out a uterine infection). Afterward, your practitioner will order a nonstress test to make sure that your baby's doing well.
• You're past your due date and your practitioner wants to see how your baby is holding up during his extended stay in the womb.
• You've previously lost a baby in the second half of pregnancy, for an unknown reason or because of a problem that might happen again in this pregnancy. In this case, nonstress testing may start as early as 28 weeks.

What's the procedure like?You may be advised to eat a meal just before the test in the hope that eating will stimulate your baby to move around more. Although there's no hard evidence that this works, it can't hurt. It's also a good idea to use the bathroom before the test, because you'll be lying strapped to a monitor for up to an hour.During the procedure, you lie on your left side, possibly with a wedge under your back that allows you to lean back. A technician straps two devices to your belly: One monitors your baby's heartbeat and movement; the other records contractions in your uterus. The technician listens to and watches your baby's heartbeat on an electronic screen while your contractions are recorded on paper.If your baby's not moving, he could be asleep. You might be asked to drink some water, juice, or soda to get him going, or the technician may nudge him gently through your abdomen or try to wake him with a buzzer. In some cases, you'll be asked to press a button when you feel the baby move. The test usually takes 20 to 60 minutes.
What do the results mean?If your baby's heart beats faster (at least 15 beats per minute over his resting rate) while he's moving for at least 15 seconds on two separate occasions during a 20-minute span, the result is normal, or "reactive." A normal result means that your baby is probably doing fine for now. Your practitioner may want to repeat the test every week (or more often) until your baby's born.If your baby's heart doesn't beat faster while he's moving or your baby doesn't move after about 90 minutes, the result is "nonreactive." A nonreactive result doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. It just means that the test didn't provide enough information and you may need to take it again in an hour or take other tests such as a biophysical profile or contraction stress test.However, a nonreactive result could indicate that your baby isn't getting enough oxygen or that there are problems with the placenta. If your practitioner thinks that your baby's no longer doing well in the womb, she'll probably decide to induce labor.

Appt. was at 4 pm and needless to say, I did not leave until 6:15 pm. The baby was active, his heart beat good, but things were just not coming together for me to pass the test. I ended up having to drink 4 8 oz. glasses of ice cold water and eating 1 glass of ice. Nurse Dawn even sat with me for the last half hour trying to get the baby to move. She called my doc (routine) to tell him I failed and he wants me to go back Wednesday (day of ultrasound).

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Update #2 {October}

Pretty interesting appt. today...belly measured 36 wks. and I am 32 1/2. Little panicky for a second. I gained 1/2 lb. in 3 weeks (had my shoes on this time too). Baby's heart beat and my blood pressure were good. Got my flu shot too. First non-stress test scheduled for 10/30 and ultra sound scheduled for 11/1.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Kaleb had hiccups for the first time tonight.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Update {October}

I have seen the dietitian (nurse was unavailable) on my progress...numbers are low and I have lost 7 lbs. so far. For the most part, have felt so good that I have cooked and cleaned the house just about everyday. She decided that because my numbers are "high" (low 90's!) that she would take away 15 of the45 carbs I am allowed for breakfast and give me another snack in the morning (usually am close to 80 and not feeling too hot between breakfast and lunch). She's a whack and I will not comment any further "geno" (her way of saying do you know?...annoying).

Results from my A1C (blood sugar level for the last 3 months) test was: 5.6

Had my appt. today with Dr. Cooper. He was really pleased with what I have accomplished as far as the weight loss and actually sticking to the diet plan (some people can't/don't). Kind of got a little upset when we were talking about the dietitian and the diet plan...but that is part of how I need to manage the diabetes so Kaleb is born healthy. (If the option was there to stop the diet/monitoring, there is a risk that something could happen and the baby could be still born). My blood pressure and baby's heart beat were good. Belly measured 31 (was going into week 30 a few days later)- I had been measuring right on for every appt. except this one. Next appt. they will schedule an ultrasound to look at Kaleb's kidneys and they will also measure the size of the baby (part of having the diabetes). Next appt. will be in 3 weeks, then 2 weeks, then 2 after that and then we are possibly looking at delivering the following week (week 38)- I hope the baby decides to keep that schedule and not come early!!

Coming in the next couple of weeks, we need to purchase a crib and dresser...can't wait to get his half of the room ready.