Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I am 12 weeks old!!
Kaleb loves to have his feet kissed! He is laughing more and more and has lots of smiles to brighten our days. He loves to "talk" to his toys and doesn't hold back his opinion when we raise our voices! He loves to be sitting up so he can see what is going on in our crazy house! He has been sleeping pretty good aside from a few days where he was getting up every 2 hours to nurse, but we average 4-7 (!) hours straight at night. He has been going to bed before 10 p.m. which is good for me. He is still eating the same, but I have cut back on the amount of formula I give him while I am home (I limit him to one 4 oz. bottle before bed and nurse the rest of the time). He seems to enjoy the bed time stories we read to Jake.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I am 11 Wks Old!!
Happy Baby, Happy Baby! Big K is such a joy...he smiles, coos, and he even holds your finger and shirt. He laughed for a bit last Thursday! He likes when Jake makes noises at him; when you play with his baby blub (especially around his neck); and blow zerberts his belly. He started to pull his upper body forward while in a somewhat sitting position.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I am 10 Weeks Old!!!
I know I say it every week, but Kaleb is getting big! Time to pack away ALL of his 0-3 month clothes! Nothing too new to report other than he smiles and coos a lot more than last week (it almost sounds like he says "awoo"). He did laugh a little bit for the first time last night! After our visit to the doctor on Monday, he has backed off the quantity he has been eating. He did get his first boo-boo today- Daddy accidentally bumped into the dresser while holding him (if you saw how Todd holds him and the height of his dresser, you would understand) while I was at work this morning.
Boo Boo
Monday, February 12, 2007
2 Month Well Baby
Kaleb had his 2 month well baby visit today. He was so good! He weighed in at 15 lbs. 11 oz. (weight is over 95 percentile) and is 24 1/4 inches long (95th percentile); his head circumference is 151/2 inches (25th percentile). Aside from the weight gain, he is perfect. Dr. C did say that if he were 4 months old, he would be on baby food (because he cannot go on a diet!).
He had 3 shots today..only crying for a few minute after. Next appt. is in April!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I am 9 Wks. Old!
Today Big K is 9 weeks old! Not too much new from last week, still doing the same things as last week only more often. He has been "swatting" at his toys and babbling to them. He does get mad and spit/cry (if he is in his seat sometimes) is funny. He has been using his fist to push away his bottle/binky if he doesn't want it.
His cold is still lingering and the cough is there with congestion/wheezing (with mucous now!), so I took the boys to the Dr. today (ours is in Ireland, so we had Dr. H). He checked him over and prescribed the Pedia-Pred (steroid) again..the wheezing is a symptom from the RSV he had back in Dec. He had been sleeping 3-5 hour stretches and went to being restless and up every 2 hours a few nights this week (last night was decent, went to bed at 11 pm and woke once to nurse and coughed once). He was weighed today *drum roll* 15 lbs. 10 oz.!!! BIG K!!!
He did pee on Todd last night and then again after I wrapped him in his towel after bath; he also had an Explosion" out of his diaper (first!).
He is doing good while I am at work. Drinking all of his bottles and napping!
He goes for his 2 month Well Baby visit on Monday...shots!!
More pics at our photo journal.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I Remember Now
So there were a few things that Kaleb does that I did not add in his 8 week update:
- When being held upright, he tries to push himself up with his feet (strengthens his leg muscles for when he will play hockey!! haha kidding).
- When being held upright, he pushes himself away from you with his arms (he loves to be up on your shoulder to see everything!).
- When place on his belly, he tries to pick his head up and use his arms to push himself up.
- He has discovered his hands/fists and shakes them all about and also kicks his legs- he even sucked his thumb for a bit on Friday. He rubs his eyes when he is tired even.
Since I posted last, he has been smiling and "talking" a lot. He loves lights and the ceiling fan- the other morning he was making noises at one of Jakob's pillow shams (has bugs on it) and also found friends while sitting in his Eddie Bauer seat.
Kaleb's cough/chest congestion has gotten worse since the last post too- but it is not a constant thing, weird. The cough isn't like it was when he had the RSV- it is like a normal cold cough and not the type where he is coughing so much he can't catch his breath. Last night he was up quite a bit for him- not fussy, just restless and coughing- we had the humidifier on and I had the "sucker" close by. I did give him some Tylenol at his 5 am feeding. Just gave him 1/2 dose of of medicine (our nurse actually called Thursday to say my PAP was ok and asked about the baby- she recommended I give him a decongestant) and he is sleeping (clear and no cough). He has been in a good mood and eating!
(It's no wonder Kaleb can sleep a good nap around here with Jake talking loud and buzzing all around....he just doesn't get *Please be is sleeping*.)
We seem to be on a better schedule than we were last week. Kaleb now eats about every 3 hours (with nursing and a bottle following) and there seems to be a pattern on the times that he eats/sleeps- need to time the morning feeding just right tomorrow because I will start pumping at work *cringe* (hope to pump 2-3 times) and will want to be able to feed him when I get home.
Would like to get a nap in was awake with Kaleb from 4 am to 6:15 am then we went for a nap- I should have no problem getting up tomorrow, but may get into an old habit of not sleeping on Sunday night because I know where I am going on Monday...and I won't be with my "babies" all day.
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