I have finally updated Big K's blog! Make sure you go all the way back to November to catch up.
I have also added some of his favorite things in the side bar.
Today we went to Dr. C. for his 12 month check-up. The visit went well, except for the 3 shots. They were quick though! He had 2 regular shots and the second flu shot (they give 2 doses to munchkins the first time around); he will need to have blood drawn (probably this weekend..didn't want to have to do it with Jake) to test his red blood cell count (I think..) and for lead. When the nurse put the first needle in, he let out the biggest scream (he didn't even make a peep with the first flu shot last month) and just wailed (of course the nurse just jabbed the needle in)..Jakob was still crying from his shot (he started before she even rubbed the site with alcohol) and ran over to comfort little brother (crying even more because the baby was upset)- it was sweet.
Kaleb checked out great! He will go back the end of March for his next well baby visit.
Here are his stats:
31 inches long (84th percentile)

25 lbs. 4.5 ozs. (82nd percentile)

Other things:
-No more baby food! He eats everything we eat (and more..including dust bunnies!)..although I do not give him any spicy food. He does have some toddler snacks.
- No more "milk"..he stopped nursing last week.
- He is drinking whole milk, except for 1 bottle of formula every other night (can is almost gone!!).
- He still loves snuggling in hair and is a big cuddle bug.
- He loves to give open mouth kisses.
- He gives hugs.
- He loves watching people play video games.
- He has a funny laugh that is very throaty sounding and almost mimics a horses ney (?).
- He loves books and stories.
- He loves ice cream..just like Nana.
- He loves to "help" me load the dishwasher.
- He has a blankie and a binky, but does not depend on them.
- He loves to play in his crib now..especially when big brother comes in.
- He says: "Mama" "up" "Dada" "Uh uh-oohhh" (and I am pretty sure of this one)
"Ba brofa" (bad brother).
- He bangs his hands on his high chair tray if the food isn't there fast enough.
- He is close to walking.
- He loves pushing his trucks around and make noises while he does it.
- He is still so happy.
- He still sleeps with Momma and Daddy.
- He likes when Daddy brings him to bed.