baby development

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I am 16 Weeks Old!!

Here is the picture I was supposed to add last week....give you an idea of what it's been like around here?!
Pictures from this week, the picture in the middle is from today. Todd's buddy from work bought Kaleb a cute lion hat/mitten set from Old Navy (pic on left). He tried so hard to wiggle it off...guess he will be like Jake and not care for hats until he is older).

Things are about the same. Kaleb did sleep 8 hours the other night! He loves to look in your eyes and hold a conversation with's cute. Last night he was laughing so hard because I was going "BOO!" and popping up from behind the chair. He has stopped peeing on me at bath time and has moved on to pooping through his outfit on almost a daily basis (almost always with my Mom). He was in his swing the other day and started fussing, so I go over, he lifts his head to look at me and gave me the biggest smile *melt*.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I am 15 Weeks Old!! {Wednesday}

Kaleb has a new best friend..his hands. They are in his mouth a lot, and he is not always hungry. He chews on his fists and like to suck his pointer finger. He is holding onto toys and bringing them to his mouth. Will he cut teeth before Jakob did (he was 6 months old)? He has started to out grow some of his 3-6 month clothes length wise. He is sleeping the same, and eating the same as well. He has been laughing a lot too! He was sitting on my lap Sunday with just a diaper on (the less clothes he has on the better!) watching Todd fold laundry and just started laughing hysterically (for quite a bit even)! It was the cutest thing.

Here is a video of him from today. All of the noises like grunts and sounds like a stuffy nose are from him...they are Kaleb noises.

I will post pictures tomorrow if I get a minute.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I am 14 weeks old!!

Kaleb is very ticklish, especially around his chest bone! I love to hear him laugh. He loves to be entertained by big brother, especially when he sings and dances for him. He has started to suck his pointer finger! Not too much new as far as eating/sleeping habits- still eating and sleeping well! He has peed on me the last two times he has had a bath!! The signs we have hanging on the jelly cabinet seem to catch his eye...maybe he will love road signs like Jake?

He enjoyed some time outside in the fresh air today...I will probably post a picture on our page later.

And here he is...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I am 13 weeks old!!

Kaleb has been pulling himself forward into sitting position and pulling himself up off of you while he lays on his side while on you. When he doesn't want his bottle or binky, he will put his hand by his mouth and pull them away. He has been focusing on the TV, so we put on Sesame Street for him; he watches us while we move about and he loves watching Jakob. During bath time, he loves when you sprinkle water on his belly. He gets startled easily- I bumped his chair the other day while he was watching Daddy play a video game...arms come flying out and he screamed for like 10 minutes!! He laughs (it is so cute!) when I brush my hair/pony tail around his face. He still continues to sleep good (now if we can get Jake to sleep past 5:30 a.m.!!)! If you notice in the top picture, he is holding his burp's his new friend.