Picture was taken yesterday at Jake's Kindergarten Celebration.
Kaleb has mastered the stairs! Now that he has fallen down 2, he will not go up alone and is hesitant even when you are right behind him (he keeps looking down).
He loves being outside, but doesn't care for the feeling of grass on his bare feet- he will actually put his feet in the air if he is sitting down (it's too funny!).
He loves watching Jake and I play Webkinz. We had Speedracer on tonight to check it out and was really getting into it.
Still lots of Kaleb jibberish- would love to know what he is saying!
He is cutting another tooth (top right)- discovered it when he cut his tongue and the top of his gum last week while running his truck through the house (lots of blood, thankfully, no ER).
He loves his "Fridge DJ" by Leap Frog. And we cant keep him out of the garbage can!

He loves to brush his teeth- he even moves the brush around his mouth like he is supposed to.
When you ask him if he wants a drink, he will bring you an empty cup....and will put it in the fridge when he is done with it