baby development

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sick Baby Update

Kaleb's cough and stuffy nose became more frequent yesterday. Ran the cool mist humidifier last night and kept sucking out his nose- seemed to help a little bit until coughing fits from 3-5 a.m. (was almost ready to head to the ER). I felt so bad for him, he would get done and just let out a single soft cry =(. His little eye lids were all puffy too. It didn't matter what position he was in, he was either stuffy/coughing or not.

This morning he kept coughing and coughing and his mouth turned light blue *panic!*, had to rub him a few times to get him to catch his breath after a cough. I finally decided to play Dr. Jenn and give him a half of the min dose allowed of Robitussin for Infants....seems to be working as Kaleb has only coughed a few times in the last 3 hours and they weren't as bad as this morning.

He is sleeping peacefully in his seat.

(His appetite is still normal...!).

Kaleb with his "Daddy's Little Pumpkin" onesie (Old the meds on his collar:

Birth Announcement

Finally made it in the Sunday paper!

Daughter, to Loren and Jessica, Nov. 20. (our hairdresser)
Daughter, to Wayne Jr. and Michelle, Nov. 28. (Cathy's daughter)
Daughter, to Khampho and Uangfa, Dec. 4. (this lady had NO DRUGS and it sounded like it hurt)
Son, to Rodney and Victoria, Dec. 6.
SCHREIER: Son, to Todd and Jennifer Schreier, Dec. 6.
Son, to Justin and Kristy, Dec. 6.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Sickness Update

Kaleb actually has a form of strep (!). I have no idea how he got it as we have only gone 2 places with him in the last week and to my knowledge no one was sick. (We normally don't bring our babies out until they are at least 1 month old, but decided to make 2 small trips to see people for the holidays). He is on an antibiotic (Zithromax) and needs to have the humidifier; Dr. C said not to be alarmed if he doesn't want to nurse that much as his throat is "raw" (he has actually been nursing more often).

It it tough seeing the baby sick..he makes these little cries once in a while but other than that and his congestion you wouldn't know he was sick.

Little Munchkin is Sick

As I mentioned on the family page, Kaleb has caught whatever this horrible thing is going through our house (doesn't help that Jakob remebers to cover his mouth on the second cough). He started last night with a stuffy nose, a cough, and some sneezes. The stuffy nose is on and off and I have already had to give him saline drops and "suction" his nose (I hate doing that!). He did manage to sleep a good part of the night though. We (the family) are going to head to the doctor this afternoon to get checked out so we wont have to make an unexpected trip to the ER or have to wait until Tuesday. I get real nervous when babies are sick, especially with him being so young and with it being cold out.

Time to trim the nails again (hate that too!)- he attacked his face this morning. I am going to take the "clip at the corner and peel off nail" approach like I did on the second hand last time.

Here are some pics of the little guy sleeping- he has on his "Peace" onesie and tan cargo pants.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Milestone

I was holding Kaleb tonight and he smiled! He even "cooed" a couple of times. He kept moving his mouth like he wanted to do more; he even mimicked me "fake cough" a couple of times.

It was so cute- wish I could have gotten a picture!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am 3 Weeks Old!!

Well, last night wasn't as good for us as the night before. The baby has been spitting up a bit lately..not so fussy anymore...awake quite a bit! His face is filling out (heehee) and he now has a double chin! Luckily he and I have not caught the "sickness" in our house, which now includes "poo issues".

Kaleb Scissorhands

Sleeping infront of the computer

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sleep Came Last Night

I was so happy when I woke up to feed Kaleb a little after 5 am and realized he slept for 4 hours!! Not only was that good, but when I woke up after 9 am...he did it again! This would be a really good pattern; Jakob always stayed up late and was up with the chickens.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Kaleb's First Christmas

Santa was very good to Kaleb!

(He did almost make it to a 4 hour straight stretch last night, but continued his some what "fussy and wanting to nurse very often" pattern today).

Oh did not see Santa!
Mmmm Mommy...chocolate cream pie was good!

Oh Nana!

And Grammy....

Grampy even!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006


These past 2 days have been a little crazy as far as Kaleb's schedule goes. I was starting to see a pattern of when he eats and how long he was sleeping. Because we were out and about Friday night and Saturday afternoon, his schedule is a little messed up and hasn't done as well as he had been (Jakob was the same way...). He was up both nights every 2 hours to nurse and approx every 1-1.5 hours during the day. Little fussy here and there too (probably mostly due to my chocolate intake). We'll see if things settle down tonight...maybe the bath will help?

Christmas Eve

Pictures of the boys in their matching jammies are on the family page.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Pictures

I have posted our Christmas photo(s) on the family page. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I am 2 weeks old!!

I had to take a picture of his wrinkled leg (that you can't really see because he kept moving!) and his argyle socks...kind of looks like an old man!

We are so blessed to have such a good baby, I can't say much else! Jakob still adores him. He calls him the "Little Munchkin Pumpkin". He has cut back to about 1,000 Kaleb kisses per day...heehee.

We are still trying to get the sleeping thing down at night, but I understand that he is ONLY 2 weeks old.

He has been focusing on voices and lights this week! He has also been making more baby noises, it is cute!

His eyes are still "baby blue/gray", but you can actually see where they are starting to more than likely (or green as we have a few family members on both sides with green eyes). His jaundice has pretty much disappeared, and his tone is a bit darker than Jakob's was...maybe it is the Native American in his blood (my Father's Grandmother was full blooded)? His hair is light brown on top and black in the back- his eye brows and lashes are really light...maybe he will be a "dirty blondie"?

The many faces of Kaleb:

Sleeping with Big Brudder (not really..I put him there seeing as they were both sleeping; ignore Jake's drool stain on the pillow!):

Monday, December 18, 2006

Little Munchkin

For a few days, Kaleb was the only one in the house that was being "good"..heehee. He still continues to be a really good, content baby.
He still does well at bath time, actually seems to love it until I wash his hair (Jake hates it too!).
(His "bili cord" as Jake calls it fell of this weekend!).

I have started to wake him up during the day to nurse because he will sleep 3-4 hours at a time and only nurse on one side...PROBLEM...because he was waking up every 2 hours to nurse at night. With changing this and us moving to Jakob's room (I took him out of the co-sleeper that goes in the bed) he slept close to 5 hours last night, nursed, then slept for another 3 hours!

He is a lot like his Daddy...boy can he toot!! Kaleb's facial features resemble the three of us. He has the same bump on his ear that Daddy and Jakob have; he has my finger nails and toes; and he yawns like Todd and Jakob. His hair is just the way Jakob's was when he was born- short on top, waivey on the sides and longer, darker hair in the back.

I love to hear him when he makes his little grunting and baby noises...makes me melt- I will miss this part of having a baby (but maybe not enough to want another in lets say 4 years haha!).
He is really trying to pick his head up when he is upright on your shoulder.
*Look for the Christmas Photos I will be posting later this week!
**BTW- the cookies from work were OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I am 1 Week!

Kaleb is still such a good baby! Here are a few pics taken today. (He slept 4 hours last night!).

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Special Gifts from Work

The fruit basket was yummy:

I cannot wait to eat these really cool cookies:

Kaleb wearing his special outfit {6 days old}:

Monday, December 11, 2006

First Check Up

Kaleb had his first check up today with Dr. C. He is 5 days old today! He weighed in at 7 lb. 7 oz. and looks great aside from a little jaundice, which is normal. His circumcision is healing nicely. Next appt. is 1/5/07.

He is nursing regularly every 2-3 hours (he can seem to go closer to the 3 hr mark during the day...but likes to nurse every 2 hrs. at night). He does sleep a good portion of the time and loves his bassinet we have in the living room- he also seems to like the Eddie Bauer bouncer too. When he is awake he is very alert and does stay awake longer than I remember Jakob. He is a very "relaxed" baby, only fussing when I take his diaper off to be changed and then he quiets down; and of course when he is hungry. We couldn't have asked for a better natured baby.
(BTW- Most of his clothes are still big as he has 0-3 months and he should actually be in "Newborn" being under 8 lbs.).

Jakob is adjusting to the new addition. He recognizes our routine (diaper change, feeding) and lets me know that I "need to go get him" when he starts to cry and that he needs a poopy diaper change and then he has to be "fed with breast milk from your booby". He enjoys discarding the soiled diapers and also trying to burp him- he is also quick to point out that I need to nurse him on the other side too! When he does fuss while getting his diaper changed, Jake will sing a song for him called "Good night Kaleb". he also loves to give him kisses!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Bath

Kaleb did really well for his first bath. He cried when initially put into the water, but soon quieted down. Jakob enjoyed "helping".

Friday, December 08, 2006

We are home!!

I will post all of the details at a later date, here is a quick update and a few pictures.

"After almost a full week in the hospital (57 hrs of it in labor), Kaleb is FINALLY here! Labor was rough, delivery was quick, and I feel 150% better than I did after I had Jakob. We came home today and we are both doing well (no trace of diabetes in either one of us!!). Jakob is so excited- he has already told me to bring him back to the hospital because he cried while getting his diaper changed and it hurt his ears...then it was "feed him breast milk so he will stop crying!". I am finding it hard that I can't "get the house cleaned the way I want", but hopefully in a few days."

Kaleb Lincoln Davis
Born 12.6.06
4:49 p.m.
Weight 7 lbs. 15 oz.
Height 21.5 in
Just born

With Daddy

With Daddy and Big Brother

Jakob and Daddy holding Kaleb

With Daddy

And Mommy

And the "Star"

Getting ready for home

All set..let's roll


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Duck Booties

I saw these online a few weeks ago at and had to order them....they are so cute.

Can Monday Come Faster?!

Have had small contractions on and off all weekend and have slept on the couch for the past 2 nights. Pretty much taking it easy, but am finding myself doing little things here and there (dishes, etc.).

Looks like we are still on schedule for tomorrow morning! Jakob is so excited- he woke up this morning thinking it was the day we were going to the hospital.

Friday, December 01, 2006

NST #12

After our appt. this afternoon, Todd and I headed over to my LAST NST. Kaleb was very cooperative today- we were in and out in less than 45 minutes, not bad considering I hadn't had lunch yet. Todd was able to see and hear the baby's heart beat be monitored. When we weren't watching the monitor, he read the paper and I filled out paper work for Monday. The nurse did see that I was having contractions 5-10 minutes apart, but again they weren't strong enough for me or the nurse to be alarmed.

Feel ok today considering the amount of sleep last night. Not very hungry yesterday or today. Still some crampy aches.

Todd and I were able to head for lunch after- he was "feeling" Some Place Special, so why not- I wanted their steak, cheese, onion, and mushroom sub (but wasn't so into it when it arrived). Splurged for my late afternoon snack and stopped for a pumpkin spice muffin/coffee- at least I was able to enjoy like 5 sips of the coffee before I dumped it all over the living room!!

Baby Update {December}

Well, just in case..the car was packed today in the event I would be kept at the hospital (now all we really have to worry about is getting there Monday).

Dropped Jake off at Nana's and Todd and I headed over for my appt. (he was able to get done with his Boston run early). I lost 1.5 lbs. of the 3 lbs. I gained last week/this week just by keeping off of my feet. My blood pressure was a little higher than the doctor wanted to see, so he checked the other arm. He didn't like that it is higher when I am up right, so I am on "bed rest" until Monday. So that brings us to.....I am only 1 CM still and although Kaleb is "down", his head is not quite down to where it needs to be. We all know that can change over night. Baby's heart beat sounded good.

Apparently there were a bunch of inductions/c-sections scheduled for this week and the book had pretty much cleared up and the nurses were like "hmmm, what will we do?!" some of the ones scheduled for within the next few days were called to see if they wanted to come early- Dr. Cooper heard that and he said "I bet Jenn would love to come!!". But no such luck.

We are still on schedule for Monday morning- I need to call ahead to make sure they will have a space for me as anything can happen like 4 labor patients at once. It could be a lengthy process, but because of the GD/blood pressure they will not make me labor too long (which could lead to a c-section, which I am ok with). Jake will probably go with us and Todd will drop him off at Nana's after things get rolling or my Mom or Missy will wait with him if he wants to stay. I want him to be there if he wants to be and as long as he is being behaved- I do not want him to feel left out at all during the birth of his baby brother and I want him to be close by after I deliver because I will want to see "my Bug" and his baby bro has a few gifts for him =).

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Still nothing...just some cramps here and there and I feel really sick. Didn't sleep too much last night, so I am sure I will be napping a bit today while Jakob is in school.

Todd ran local yesterday (like today) and was done with work early. He picked Jake up from school and they headed to TJ Maxx and Stop and Shop for some groceries.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NST # 11

Nurse Monique checked my blood pressure when I arrived due to Dr. 's request and it was fine. Was on the monitor for over an hour- I know there was a shift changes, but I think they forgot about me. Read a bit and relaxed. Baby checked out ok and my blood pressure was ok the second time around. Had a few small contractions.

Now, time to worry about this "Preeclampsia" thing and bed rest.

Have rested a few hours tonight. Still spotting due to the "Stripping of the membranes". Feel kind of ok for now.

Makes me feel good that Todd is running local tomorrow.

Baby Update # 3 {November}

Went into the appt. hoping I was around 3 CM, but was still 1 CM dilated. Dr. C "stripped my membranes" today...painful, but not too bad.

"Stripping the membranes is where a health care provider will separate your bag of water from the cervix, it is not intended to break your water, however, it may. It may also cause infection, and may be painful for some.

The reason that we tell people that we are stripping their membranes is to "get things going" in regards to labor. This little technique is usually done during a vaginal exam at the end of pregnancy, with or without the knowledge or consent of the woman.

Stripping the membranes, we are told, is supposed to stimulate production of prostiglandins in the cervix and bring on contractions. I have heard doctors tell my clients after stripping their membranes they will have the baby in two days. While this may appear to work for some, at term it's all a guessing game. There is no scientific work to date that can back up the routine procedure of stripping membranes. "

My blood pressure was on the high side, to the point where the Dr. was alarmed and asked that I be monitored closely at my NST that followed my appt. with him. And, my 3 lb. weight gain also threw up some red flags. He checked my legs and they were I am retaining fluid. Combined I am being monitored for "Preeclampsia" and today was actually my last day of work as I am ordered on bed rest (or couch...laying on my left side) and have to also watch my salt in take. (My urine checked out ok, with no protein).

I am to go back into the office on Friday before my NST. Depending on how things go, I may be induced on Friday.

What Is Preeclampsia?
Also referred to as toxemia, preeclampsia is a condition that pregnant women can get. It is marked by high blood pressure accompanied with a high level of protein in the urine. Women with preeclampsia will often also have swelling in the feet, legs and hands.
Preeclampsia, when present, usually appears during the second half of pregnancy, generally in the latter part of the second or in the third trimesters, although it can occur earlier.

What Is Eclampsia?
Eclampsia is the final and most severe phase of preeclampsia and occurs when preeclampsia is left untreated. In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms, women with eclampsia often have seizures. Eclampsia can cause coma and even death of the mother and baby and can occur before, during or after childbirth.

What Causes Preeclampsia and Eclampsia?
The exact causes of preeclampsia and eclampsia are not known, although some researchers suspect poor nutrition, high body fat or insufficient blood flow to the uterus as possible causes.

Who Is at Risk for Preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia is most often seen in first-time pregnancies and in pregnant teens and women over 40. Other risk factors include:
A history of high blood pressure prior to pregnancy.
Previous history of preeclampsia.
A history of preeclampsia in mother or sisters.
Obesity prior to pregnancy.
Carrying more than one baby.
History of diabetes, kidney disease, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

How Can I Tell if I Have Preeclampsia?
In addition to swelling, protein in the urine, and high blood pressure, symptoms of preeclampsia can include:
Rapid weight gain caused by a significant increase in bodily fluid
3 lbs in one week
Abdominal pain yes
Severe headaches
A change in reflexes
Reduced output of urine or no urine
some what
Excessive vomiting and nausea

Does Swelling During Pregnancy Mean I Have Preeclampsia?
Some swelling is normal during pregnancy. However, if the swelling doesn't go away with rest and is accompanied by some of the above symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away.

How Can Preeclampsia Affect My Baby?
Preeclampsia can prevent the placenta from receiving enough blood, which can cause your baby to be born very small. It is also one of the leading causes of
premature births and the difficulties that can accompany them, including learning disabilities, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and hearing and vision problems.

How Is Preeclampsia and Eclampsia Treated?
The only real cure for preeclampsia and eclampsia is the birth of the baby.
Mild preeclampsia (blood pressure greater than 140/90 that occurs after 20 weeks of gestation in a woman who did not have hypertension before; and/or having a small amount of protein in the urine can be managed with careful hospital or in-home observation along with activity restriction.
If the baby is pre-term, the condition can be managed until your baby can be safely delivered. Your health care provider may prescribe bed rest, hospitalization or medication to prolong the pregnancy and increase your unborn baby's chances of survival. If your baby is close to term, labor may be induced.
The treatment for more severe preeclampsia (having vision problems, lung problems, abdominal pain, fetal distress, or other signs and symptoms) may require more emergent treatment - delivery of the baby - irrespective of the baby's age.

Other treatments:
Magnesium can be injected into the veins to prevent eclampsia-related seizures.
Hydralazine or another antihypertensive drug to manage severe elevations of blood pressure.
Monitoring fluid intake.

Monday, November 27, 2006

NST # 10

Knew what time I had to leave the house to make it to DKH on time Saturday and totally messed it up in my head, so needless to say I was 15 minutes early- good thing..little belly ache requiring pit stop (actually have had them all weekend!). Nurse Linda (never had this one) had my belts out and a cup of ice cold water waiting for me! Kaleb's heart beat was a little fast, so they decided to keep me on the monitor a little longer, which was fine- I got to relax and read a magazine. Linda # 2 popped in and asked my how my holiday was (they are really a great group of nurses; she actually took care of Jakob right after he was born). Scheduled my next/last 2 appt.s for Tuesday (following Dr. appt.) and Friday.

This weekend was spent with a mix of relaxing (Friday, most of Saturday) and constant moving (Thursday/Sunday). I was able to sneak in one nap the 4 days I had off from work. Sunday was spent going through Jakob's room and doing some more organizing as well as unpacking/going through 6 totes of clothes (and also getting clothes ready to give away to the needy) to find the 0-3 months to be washed and to "know" where the 3-6 months were. Jake popped his head in a few times to check on me and told me to "call him when I have a plan together and he will come up!" (what a hoot!). Also put away approx 6 loads of wash and have my maternity clothes set aside that I am not wearing to get ready to pack (yes pack...JUST in case, but don't expect anything in the next 4-5 years!). So...I didn't stop for a rest until like 5 pm (included dishes, fetching coffee and paper too!); buy the time I did my back was killing me.
Now, there is one spot in the upstairs hallway, one spot in the kitchen, and the need to find a "home" for the boys books. Mom is taking care of cleaning the bassinet, so that will need to find its way here. Phew. You would have thought I slept pretty good last night, huh? Eh, no! Got like 3 hours of sleep- mostly in the morning close to when I had to wake up. I was actually pretty "comfortable" on one side or the other, just "uncomfortable when I had to "rotate" and I also just kept waking up.

Felt nauseas some of the weekend and today; issues with "belly aches" if you know what I mean (we will just say that my body seems to want to "flush" itself out. Have had little cramps here and there, mostly uncomfortable and feel like my water can break. Also feels like Kaleb is going to "claw" his way out...that is why I would prefer to lay down- don't feel it as much.

Tomorrow afternoon is my appt. with the doctor- maybe he will say "YOU ARE 6 CM...go to the birthing center!". We will see!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

NST # 9

Woke up EARLY this morning with really bad heart burn and feeling sick to my stomach (that feeling lasted most of the day and still feel that way now). Poked along at work today...feel pretty good sitting and then like poo when I get up.

NST was ok today. Drank my juice and chomped on ice chips...Kaleb was moving, but he wasn't quite meeting the criteria we need to be "in and out". Nurse was watching me from the station (she had 2 labor patients) and decided to bring me another apple juice to get him going. Had a contraction that I could feel, but nothing major. Was very relaxed and could have easily fallen asleep (was hooked up for 90 minutes).

Next NST scheduled for Saturday.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Baby Update #2 {November}

Appt. went very well today. Mt BP was good; even lost 5 lbs.- how I have no idea! Followed up with Dr. on Kaleb's kidneys and they are clear (phew!). Blood test results came back on my second A1C and Dr. said that my average for the last month was better than most normal people who do not have a sugar problem (he basically came out and said that yes, we know that you really don't have a problem and commended me for sticking with the diet...something about I should be a poster child for people with gestational diabetes that sticks with the diet). Dr. checked heart beat, which was good; baby's head is way down.

And yes....WE ARE DILATED!!! About 1 CM, 50% effaced, -3 gestation. Before he checked me, he said that if I wasn't showing any signs of dilation/uterus thinning out, he would probably not induce me and have the chance of being in labor for a day or 2 or 3 and then wind up with a C-section. If I haven't had regular contractions by the time I am induced, he feels that once the regular contraction pattern begins, it won't be long before we have a baby. Can't wait!

Next appt. is Tuesday afternoon.

Feeling eh as far as things feeling like they are going to come out of places I don't want them to until I am in the hospital. Had a few contraction like pains after grocery shopping tonight.

4 More working days after tomorrow!

Monday, November 20, 2006

NST # 8

Feeling more tired these past few days, but still keeping active by cleaning/shopping rather than sitting/sleeping. Developed *cough* a Hem...can't even write about it...just out of no where- never had them before...don't want again! Very uncomfortable.

Went to test today and was able to pass within the hour. My BP/temp was good. Kaleb's heart beat was averaging different through the test (up around 140/150's closer to the beginning and then 120/130's closer to the end). Not only could you hear the heart beat, but he also had the hiccups too! Had a few little contractions that I could not feel, and two bigger ones that showed up as waves on the monitor- I felt the second one, but was nothing like the Braxton Hicks I had a few weeks ago.

Next appt. Wednesday....

Friday, November 17, 2006

Looking Down

And here's Kaleb.....

Special Day

Today my co-workers and some of my good friends helped celebrate the upcoming arrival of Kaleb by treating me to a chinese buffet for lunch. The hour away from work was relaxing, the food was good, and so was the company (Jaime, Michele, Brian, Jennifer F., Jennifer W., John S., Lisa, and Sue). A lot of people from work went in and got a gift card and an outfit for the baby.

This weekend we went out to get the car seat that I had to have and a lounge seat: