baby development

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I am 2 weeks old!!

I had to take a picture of his wrinkled leg (that you can't really see because he kept moving!) and his argyle socks...kind of looks like an old man!

We are so blessed to have such a good baby, I can't say much else! Jakob still adores him. He calls him the "Little Munchkin Pumpkin". He has cut back to about 1,000 Kaleb kisses per day...heehee.

We are still trying to get the sleeping thing down at night, but I understand that he is ONLY 2 weeks old.

He has been focusing on voices and lights this week! He has also been making more baby noises, it is cute!

His eyes are still "baby blue/gray", but you can actually see where they are starting to more than likely (or green as we have a few family members on both sides with green eyes). His jaundice has pretty much disappeared, and his tone is a bit darker than Jakob's was...maybe it is the Native American in his blood (my Father's Grandmother was full blooded)? His hair is light brown on top and black in the back- his eye brows and lashes are really light...maybe he will be a "dirty blondie"?

The many faces of Kaleb:

Sleeping with Big Brudder (not really..I put him there seeing as they were both sleeping; ignore Jake's drool stain on the pillow!):

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