baby development

Friday, December 01, 2006

Baby Update {December}

Well, just in case..the car was packed today in the event I would be kept at the hospital (now all we really have to worry about is getting there Monday).

Dropped Jake off at Nana's and Todd and I headed over for my appt. (he was able to get done with his Boston run early). I lost 1.5 lbs. of the 3 lbs. I gained last week/this week just by keeping off of my feet. My blood pressure was a little higher than the doctor wanted to see, so he checked the other arm. He didn't like that it is higher when I am up right, so I am on "bed rest" until Monday. So that brings us to.....I am only 1 CM still and although Kaleb is "down", his head is not quite down to where it needs to be. We all know that can change over night. Baby's heart beat sounded good.

Apparently there were a bunch of inductions/c-sections scheduled for this week and the book had pretty much cleared up and the nurses were like "hmmm, what will we do?!" some of the ones scheduled for within the next few days were called to see if they wanted to come early- Dr. Cooper heard that and he said "I bet Jenn would love to come!!". But no such luck.

We are still on schedule for Monday morning- I need to call ahead to make sure they will have a space for me as anything can happen like 4 labor patients at once. It could be a lengthy process, but because of the GD/blood pressure they will not make me labor too long (which could lead to a c-section, which I am ok with). Jake will probably go with us and Todd will drop him off at Nana's after things get rolling or my Mom or Missy will wait with him if he wants to stay. I want him to be there if he wants to be and as long as he is being behaved- I do not want him to feel left out at all during the birth of his baby brother and I want him to be close by after I deliver because I will want to see "my Bug" and his baby bro has a few gifts for him =).

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