He still does well at bath time, actually seems to love it until I wash his hair (Jake hates it too!).
(His "bili cord" as Jake calls it fell of this weekend!).
I have started to wake him up during the day to nurse because he will sleep 3-4 hours at a time and only nurse on one side...PROBLEM...because he was waking up every 2 hours to nurse at night. With changing this and us moving to Jakob's room (I took him out of the co-sleeper that goes in the bed) he slept close to 5 hours last night, nursed, then slept for another 3 hours!
He is a lot like his Daddy...boy can he toot!! Kaleb's facial features resemble the three of us. He has the same bump on his ear that Daddy and Jakob have; he has my finger nails and toes; and he yawns like Todd and Jakob. His hair is just the way Jakob's was when he was born- short on top, waivey on the sides and longer, darker hair in the back.
I love to hear him when he makes his little grunting and baby noises...makes me melt- I will miss this part of having a baby (but maybe not enough to want another in lets say 4 years haha!).
He is really trying to pick his head up when he is upright on your shoulder.
*Look for the Christmas Photos I will be posting later this week!
**BTW- the cookies from work were OUT OF THIS WORLD!
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