Yesterday Kaleb had his 4 month Well Baby check up. He gained exactly 4 lbs, so he weight is now 19 lbs. 11 ozs. (he is almost too big for the baby scale!); and he is 25" long. Dr. C gave us the go ahead to start him on baby food because he is so big (baby food actually has less calories than breast milk)- so I figure in the next few weeks I will introduce cereal. He had 3 shots, only crying for a bit (he was fussy at night for a bit and a little too today). Next. appt. is in June.
He sleeps so good at night, each week the stretches seem to be longer (last night he slept from 9 pm until 5:30 am!).
He grabs for all of his toys and most go into his mouth. He puts his hands together like he is praying, and them too go into his mouth! he loves to be sitting up and looking around. We bought him a "Bebe Pod" seat...he sat comfortably in it, but is was tight on his legs- so we took it back.

He loves to look at everyone (he is staring at me as I type), smile, and laugh. He spits all the time too! He crinkles his nose up and even makes and Elvis like face.
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