Things have been good! Kaleb loves to see what is going on. It is getting difficult for me to nurse him while I am on the computer..he always has to turn and look at the screen. He loves to watch people, especially when they act silly and say "BOO!" in his face.
I am surprised it has taken this long, but he is getting used to the camera in his face..he is starting to smile when I am ready to shoot!
Kaleb's sleep patterns are about the same, but the past week he has been waking to nurse about every 2 hours after the long 4 hour stretch.
This weekend he grabbed for one of his toys! He loves to hold on to just about anything that he can get into his chubby fingers and put it into his mouth. Which brings us to...the strong possibility that he is cutting a tooth. His bottom gum is so bumpy and there is a spot where it looks like it could be a tooth popping through, but it is hard to tell with those little calcium deposits (I think that is what they are called). He has been fussy on/off the past couple of days.
At some point this week I will post his "official" 17 week pics I took tonight.
He babbles quite a bit...the whole type I was typing this he was making sounds like "a boo phwert". It's cute.
Friday he will be months old!!
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