So there were a few things that Kaleb does that I did not add in his 8 week update:
- When being held upright, he tries to push himself up with his feet (strengthens his leg muscles for when he will play hockey!! haha kidding).
- When being held upright, he pushes himself away from you with his arms (he loves to be up on your shoulder to see everything!).
- When place on his belly, he tries to pick his head up and use his arms to push himself up.
- He has discovered his hands/fists and shakes them all about and also kicks his legs- he even sucked his thumb for a bit on Friday. He rubs his eyes when he is tired even.
Since I posted last, he has been smiling and "talking" a lot. He loves lights and the ceiling fan- the other morning he was making noises at one of Jakob's pillow shams (has bugs on it) and also found friends while sitting in his Eddie Bauer seat.
Kaleb's cough/chest congestion has gotten worse since the last post too- but it is not a constant thing, weird. The cough isn't like it was when he had the RSV- it is like a normal cold cough and not the type where he is coughing so much he can't catch his breath. Last night he was up quite a bit for him- not fussy, just restless and coughing- we had the humidifier on and I had the "sucker" close by. I did give him some Tylenol at his 5 am feeding. Just gave him 1/2 dose of of medicine (our nurse actually called Thursday to say my PAP was ok and asked about the baby- she recommended I give him a decongestant) and he is sleeping (clear and no cough). He has been in a good mood and eating!
(It's no wonder Kaleb can sleep a good nap around here with Jake talking loud and buzzing all around....he just doesn't get *Please be quiet...baby is sleeping*.)
We seem to be on a better schedule than we were last week. Kaleb now eats about every 3 hours (with nursing and a bottle following) and there seems to be a pattern on the times that he eats/sleeps- need to time the morning feeding just right tomorrow because I will start pumping at work *cringe* (hope to pump 2-3 times) and will want to be able to feed him when I get home.
Would like to get a nap in was awake with Kaleb from 4 am to 6:15 am then we went for a nap- I should have no problem getting up tomorrow, but may get into an old habit of not sleeping on Sunday night because I know where I am going on Monday...and I won't be with my "babies" all day.
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