His facial features have changes a lot- we think he looks more like Todd and Jake looks more like me.
He is smiling and cooing a lot, mostly when he is laying on my chair after a diaper change, playing with his cheeks and chin, or making silly noises at him; today he flashed me a grin with no coaxing.
He still doesn't really cry unless he is hungry or has a mess in his pants. He did voice his 2 cents to Jake by grunting as I was nursing him and raising my voice to Jakob.
His sleeping times vary, but he is asleep by midnight. Nap times and lengths vary. Rise and shine for the day is no later than 10 a.m. Last night...he slept FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT!
The other night I was changing his diaper and he was tooting away (quite loud I might add!). My butt happened to be positioned close to Todd's head and as I laughed, Todd got an attitude and says "Will you quit farting next to my head!!". It was so funny!
I know there is a bit more, but I just can't think of it right at the moment. Only a few more days before I head back to work *wince*. BTW- Didn't take any pictures this past week as I did not have the battery charged in the camera. More posted in the photo journal.
Filing out his 0-3 month jammies!

This is the new breast pump. It is the Playtex Embrace system (also goes with his bottles)- haven't tried it out yet. I like that the bag is more discreet looking than my other one. Here's hoping that the "suction" is better...hahaha.

Kaleb is now in Size 2 diapers!

New carrier from Baby Bjorn- I love black, but thought this pattern was much more unique (Todd isn't too fond of it,but he will come around).
Kaleb's new binky by Soothie. He seems to like this one best of the 4 he has tried. The nipple is shaped most like his bottle and mother.

Seeing as he liked the new paci, thought he might like their bottle. Picked up one at Wallyworld last night and tried it out...not a hit..yet.

Seeing as he liked the new paci, thought he might like their bottle. Picked up one at Wallyworld last night and tried it out...not a hit..yet.

Because Kaleb seems to still be hungry after nursing, he has 1-3 ozs. of formula after most meals during the week and at bedtime after nursing on the weekend. Otherwise, we are nursing just about every hour or hour and a half! I used this formula this time around because they were the only company that sent me coupons (Jake had Enfamil).
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