After a few nights and days of Kaleb nursing every 1-2 hours, I decided to "supplement" with some formula last night. He drank 2 ozs. from a bottle with no problem- no gas or spitting up. He slept 3 hours, but I am convinced he would've slept longer had "big brudder" not come into the room at 3:30 a.m. and woke the both of us up. Anyway...
Kaleb is more in tune with what is going on around him- looking all around, making more baby noises, little smiles here and there (he likes his chin and chubby cheeks played with). He still doesn't really cry unless he is hungry or has a mess in his pants. When he is mad, he will do this low cry and spit out of his lips.
Today I tried him out in the swing and he seemed to enjoy it.....so much he fell asleep!
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