So, today is the day that I needed to dust off the ole breast pump and try it out. To my dismay, it worked. I ended up expressing 2 ozs.- and Jake only interrupted twice. He was fascinated by the "cool machine". I think I want a new "machine"...
Today was also the day I gave Kaleb a bottle (other than drinking 1 tsp. of meds a few times he hasn't had one). He drank the 2 ozs. I pumped like there was no tomorrow and then finished nursing. I don't think there will be issues with him transitioning to a bottle while I am at work. We are using the same type of bottle as we dd with Jakob- they changed the shape of the nipple!

Full Belly

(We had a very difficult time with Jakob- we tried different nipples, bottles, eye droppers, sippy cups..even a bottle made to look and feel like a breast! Finally he took to the Platex Nurser, then the Playtex Ventaire; he was also drinking from a sippy cup at 4 months.).

Kaleb was a bit stuffy last night, so we sat next to the humidifier and cleared up some. Was stuffy again this morning with some coughing, so he sat in his chair next to Mr. Penguin. At least he is spitting up some of the "junk". It is hard to tell if it is cold related or from the "dry heat" in this darn place.

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