Most of our weekend was spent cleaning out Jake's room to make space for Kaleb's dresser and crib. Todd was a good sport about getting up early Saturday morning and cleaning out most of the room (I did help before I had to take off to get my hair cut!). After attending Shawn's birthday party, Mom watched Jake and we went to Target (bought new bedding...below) and looked at car seats- we will get each child a new seat; then to Babies R Us to get the crib/dresser and all of the little things we needed (of course Todd found a new stroller/infant seat-below). Sunday was spent getting the furniture together and the room pretty much the way it needs to be (would still like a smaller book case). All of the bedding and baby clothes have been washed and put away- need to pull out the totes for the 0-3 month clothes (of course, it is buried at the bottom of Jake's closet that is only used for storage). Kaleb's bag is packed and mine is 75% done. I AM READY!

Had crampy/contractions on and off Saturday and Sunday, but not as bad as Friday. Actually slept through the night Friday and Saturday, not waking once to go to the bathroom or just wake up.
NST was rescheduled from Wednesday to Monday as I learned that I cannot go more than 3 days without having a test. Headed over there after work. Passed within the half hour (I am requesting apple juice right off the bat for the later tests so I am not there too long). Shared triage with a "girl" scheduled for a c-section soon after I got there; wasn't pleased with the nurse that checked me in today. Had to wait around until approx 5:30- Dr. Cooper was assisting in the c-section and Nurse Dawn wanted to give him the report. He came in to see me and asked how I was feeling- told him about the cramps (I see him tomorrow). Next appt. scheduled for Thursday afternoon.
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